Do I Need a Vapor Barrier in My Attic Insulation?

Installing a vapor barrier in the attic is an essential step to protect the structural integrity of your home, your air conditioning system, and your family's health. Learn more about when and why you should install a vapor barrier.

Do I Need a Vapor Barrier in My Attic Insulation?

Installing a vapor barrier in the attic is an essential step to protect the structural integrity of your home, your air conditioning system, and your family's health. However, not all climates require a vapor barrier in the attic insulation. If you live in an area with more than 8,000 heating degree days, then you should consider installing a vapor barrier. This will prevent water vapor from being deposited on the attic insulation and circulate it through the roof.

It can also protect attic insulation from becoming increasingly damp. On the other hand, if you live in a colder climate, you should always install a vapor retarder inside the insulation. Additionally, if you have an attic staircase, you should insulate and cover the door with raincoats, as well as insulate the sides of the staircase. You'll need to install a vapor barrier before insulating the attic if the roof is porous at different points due to lighting installations or other appliances. In conclusion, installing a vapor barrier in your attic insulation is an important step to protect your home and family's health.

Additionally, if you have an attic staircase or a porous roof due to lighting installations or other appliances, then you should also install a vapor barrier.

Christian Zani
Christian Zani

Hardcore twitter fanatic. Total coffee fanatic. Proud bacon ninja. Unapologetic bacon fan. Hardcore twitter ninja. Friendly pop culture fanatic.